
Pilgrim on the earth, occasional blogger.

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Best OS ever

Here’s a serious review of Max OSX 10.5, more commonly known as Leopard, from PC Magazine. The writer has some criticisms (even I’ve never said Macs are perfect–just better), but in the end he says, “by far,” Leopard is the best OS ever and there’s no reason for anyone not to own a Mac at this point. Solid read.

Oh, and since it’s not a holiday until Google says it is:

Happy Halloween.

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If I had super muscle memory like that new girl on Heroes, the first thing I would do is watch Thriller. (Unfortunately, YouTube won’t let me embed, so you have to click.)

In other words, if I could choose any super power, I’d want to dance like Michael Jackson.

Happy (almost) Halloween, all.

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All roads lead to Scranton

If I was anywhere near Northeastern PA this weekend, I would be here. Although I hear none of Michael, Dwight, Jim or Pam will be there–so, no star power–seeing Creed in real life (or Stanley, or Kevin, or Toby…) would be well worth the trip.

Well, maybe it wouldn’t–it is Scranton. I’ll take my chances of running into one of them here where they actually film the show: L.A.


River is back

Fans of Firefly, Serenity and Terminator 1 & 2 (I am, am, am and am) ought to be excited about a new FOX show starting in January starring Summer Glau, the actress who played super-girl River Tam on FOX’s cancelled Joss Whedon-penned sci-fi Western turned cult film phenomenon, Firefly/Serenity, playing the new “Protector” character in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I just saw the commercial on FOX during Game 1, thought I saw River (actually first I thought, isn’t this The Terminator?), and ran to my computer and IMDb to check it out. Sure enough, a new sci-fi show we can all get excited about only to see FOX end prematurely. (I really can’t complain, I guess… I didn’t watch Firefly til it was on DVD anyway.)

Speaking of TV shows, I currently watch Heroes and The Office devotedly and 30 Rock as often as I can. LOST will be back in January, of course, and it looks like I’ll give this Terminator show a chance. Anything else on I should be following? Anyone watching Journeyman, Chuck, Bionic Woman, House?

UPDATE: Found this extended preview. Apparently John Connor is played by Claire’s friend from Season 1 of Heroes. Looks cool.


Two things that look amazing, one that definitely isn’t

Leopard I’m pretty bummed I don’t have anyone to go to the Leopard party in Pasadena with… the Panther party in Cranberry is where I decided to get my first iBook.

I’m Not There Bob Dylan + movie = I’ll be there. (Wow… terrible pun.)


UPDATE: Here’s a satellite image of the fires and smoke (no wonder the sky above me is hazy) and here’s a story about a San Diego man who sent updates about the damage via Twitter.

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Reason #8 million…

Why I’m sad to leave Pittsburgh:

The ‘Burgh is now in 3D on Google Map’s street view (via Jeremy). It’s extensive, too. Seriously, check that thing out. Unfortunately I don’t have time to look around it today for anything interesting, but maybe when I miss home this’ll be a nice thing to feel like I’m back navigating the city streets.

UPDATE: Sam can see his place. Can you?


Heroes is back

I don’t think I’m the only person who felt let down by Heroes’ season 1 finale, but after working through some disillusioned feelings (how are Peter and Sylar still alive??) and with two much better episodes following the so-so season 2 premiere, I’m back into Heroes. I still think there are too many story-lines, and I’m really never into Niki/Micah or whatever Mohinder’s doing, but I can deal. I’m liking where Hiro and Peter are more than I was, I can never get enough of HRG and the Haitian, and Claire and her flying boyfriend keep the kids happy.

And you’ve got to admit, all around, NBC is about as solid as TV gets right now.

Enough said.

If you’re wondering, tonight is my last night in PA. I’m pretty much finished packing and tomorrow afternoon/evening I’ll head west in my Jetta to Bill and Stacy’s in Columbus and then on to L.A. from there (with a few stops in between). I’m hoping to be in Heroesland Friday night if I survive the drive through: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. (A lot of states, huh?)

I’ll be updating my progress with Twitter per my cellular telephone (so follow me there, and become my Twitter friend), and I’ll blog if I can find the Internet once I leave Western PA (I have no idea if it exists west of the PA state line). Anticipated highlights: Lunch with Jason Wednesday in Indianapolis, listening to Sufjan and feeling the Illinoise in Illinois, purchasing a “Squirt” at QT in Tulsa (one of the few things I remember from being a kid in Tulsa: the gas stations), messing with Texas, and being in or almost in Arizona Thursday night for game 1 of the NLCS (Rox-Dbacks). I will be pulling for the Purple, or sleeping.

Oh, and congrats to the Tribe for eliminating the Evil Empire.